The 2020 Kraków IP Law Summer School will be held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The programme provides an opportunity to acquire deeper knowledge of intellectual property law. This year the programme will be focused on the issues of intellectual property quality.
The programme of the Kraków IP Law Summer School will consist of lectures of the keynote speakers and guest lecturers, as well as workshops, including workshops on presentation skills (How to Present and Convince) and tips on getting published (Getting Published in IP), case studies and group discussions.
The detailed programme for the 2020 Kraków IP Law Summer School is available here.
If you are a European student, you can collect:
- 2 ECTS credits by participating in the online Summer School, or
- 4 ECTS credits and a grade by participating in the online Summer School and submitting a 8-10-page essay within 2 weeks after the end of the Summer School.
It is recommended to consult with your home university before participation in the online programme to ensure that your participation will be recognized. If needed, we will be happy to provide a support letter recommending to award 2/4 credits for your participation in the Summer School.
If you choose to write an essay to gain 4 ECTS credits and a grade, please consult the Organizing Committee to determine the topic of the essay.
A certificate of participation is awarded to participants who successfully complete the programme requirements.
Online attendance and active participation in at least 80% of program activities is required in order to obtain the certificate of participation and earn credit for the programme.

Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Ann, LL.M., Technical University of Munich, Germany
Prof. Estelle Derclaye, University of Nottingham, UK
Dr. Johannes Druschel, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, Germany
Institutional Speakers:
Marco Aleman, Director of Patent Law Division, WIPO
Piotr Wierzejewski, Quality Manager Risk and Quality Management, EPO
Dominika Walicka, IP affairs lawyer of the Litigation Service of the International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department (ICLAD) of the EUIPO
Dr. Iga Bałos, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University, Poland
Dr. Krzysztof Garstka, British Law Centre/University of Cambridge
Dr hab. Rafał Sikorski, Prof. UAM, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
Dr. Tomasz Targosz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Dr. Bohdan Widła, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Dr. Żaneta Zemła-Pacud, The Institute of Law Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr. Łukasz Żelechowski, Warsaw University, Poland
Special Guest – Dr. Eleonora Rosati, Stockholm University, Editor of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (OUP), The IPKat blog

The Summer School is open to law students (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students) and young professionals (attorneys, counsellors-at-law, patent attorneys, legal trainees etc.). The program is designed for candidates who wish to obtain deeper knowledge of IP. For those who have little background in IP law it is recommended to complete the free WIPO distance learning General Course on Intellectual Property or any other equivalent online course available at EUIPO or EPO website.

The 2020 Kraków IP Law Summer School lectures and workshops will be held online via licensed software, which can used for free by the participants.
The connection details will be provided in advance.